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Recommitting to "Reduce" and "Reuse" during COVID-19

Published on: 
21 Apr 2020
Celeste McMickle, TRUE Zero Waste

从我记事起,我就一直对环境充满热情. 我在俄亥俄州农村的一个农场长大,记得我在妈妈的花园里发现过虫子 它们是在暴风雨中爬出来的,暴风雨过去后,它们试图把它们放回地里. I would lecture my friends who littered (yes, I was that kid), 我还清楚地记得,我们全家一起收集罐头和瓶子,把它们送到回收中心回收.

Back then in the early 80s, the three Rs — reduce, reuse, and recycle — was a primary school fundamental. 在我成长的过程中,我的家人一直遵循着这些原则,过着节俭的生活, 这三种策略从很小的时候就被灌输到我的大脑中.

但作为纽约市的一个年轻人,我开始注意到人们的注意力从这3r开始转移. “减少(Reduce)”和“再利用(reuse)”被抛到脑后,因为大多数人专注于第三个R——回收(recycling)——这为纽约人的现代生活提供了最大的便利. 看到这种明显的行为转变,促使我在职业上追求零浪费,并将其真正融入我的生活和原则中.

Now, as one of the directors for the TRUE Zero Waste rating system with GBCI, 我与项目团队合作,帮助他们理解资源管理的价值及其重要性 all the Rs really are! At TRUE, 我们专注于上游选择,如减少和再利用,这是设施和公司在实现零废物bc菠菜导航的道路上可以采取的重要步骤.

In this strange time of COVID-19, 在日常生活中,注意我们的物资管理比以往任何时候都更重要. 不断传来邻居和亲人面临纸巾和清洁用品短缺的消息, 这让我想起了当初为什么要坚持零浪费的生活方式. 我想分享一些我多年来融入生活的技巧,希望能有所帮助 help others to adopt similar strategies 这不仅有利于他们的健康和幸福感,也有利于环境.

Reuse old clothing as a replacement for paper towels

“Zero waste” is often thought of as a privileged lifestyle, but the reality is that the concepts stem from humble beginnings and, in many ways, can pave the way to a simpler and more economical way of living. For example, 如果你保存旧衣服和亚麻布,把它们变成洗碗布和破布, you no longer need to buy paper towels.

Make your own hand sanitizer and cleaning solution

Other hard-to-come-by products can be easy to make at home, too. Need hand sanitizer? 将等量的外用酒精和芦荟混合,如果你愿意,还可以加入薰衣草之类的香精. Out of cleaning solution? Combine household staples for an easy recipe. 试试4杯热水、1 / 4杯白醋、2汤匙小苏打和少许柠檬.

Recycle properly – it might help save lives

在这段时间里减少浪费不仅对你的钱包和环境有好处, it’s also helpful to our essential workers. Sanitation workers 在这场危机中,他们继续为社区服务,展示了他们的超级英雄地位吗. 任何我们能做的使他们的工作更容易的事情都是一份bc菠菜论坛礼物——了解你当地的回收利用, landfilling, 堆肥指南现在甚至更重要了(而且总是非常重要)!). 你能做的最好的事情就是了解你的回收流中什么是可接受的,什么是不可接受的,然后把所有东西都放进适当的垃圾箱. 记住:出现在产品上的回收标签可能不符合当地的法规 always check first. When in doubt, it can actually be better to throw it out. 不正确放置的材料会堵塞回收系统,关闭设施或造成延误, putting workers at even more risk. Of course, the less materials that haulers have to handle, the less potential risk they will encounter; so try to do your part in being mindful of what goes out to the curb.

Minimize food waste

As we’re finding ourselves cooking more and ordering less, many are encountering an excess of wasted food. 尽量只买你知道你和你的家人在变质之前可以吃的易腐食品, 或者准备多余的新鲜食物,这样它们就可以冷冻成即食食品. 我喜欢做的一件事就是把所有干净的蔬菜残渣放在冰箱里的一个单独的容器里. When I have enough saved up, I’ll make a soup stock. Then, I compost the remains. In this way the food scraps are reused, and then recycled! Two out of the three Rs in one action is my kind of strategy.

Try your hand at gardening

If you’ve already given re-growing your green onions 不妨尝试种植一些可食用的水果和蔬菜. 每年这个时候最棒的一件事是,现在正是种植花园的好时机! I recommend starting with herbs and simple vegetables such as lettuces. 这些植物在商店购买时可能很贵或很脆弱,你可能只需要少量的食谱,所以它们在冰箱里更容易腐烂. 尤其是草本植物,甚至可以种植在室内阳光充足的地方,供那些没有院子的人使用. Grab a pair of gloves and a planting calendar and have fun.

Reuse your tote bags with confidence

在此期间,零废物社区面临的一个巨大挑战是一次性材料的增加 roll backs on bag bans. Public health must be put first, 但有一种错误的看法认为,一次性材料是唯一清洁卫生的选择. In reality, these products have been handled many times 在整个生产和加工过程中,当它们到达你的手中. Reusables, however, 有机会成为最卫生的产品之一,因为它们是由你彻底清洗的,或者是在工业过程中,通过与项目的协调努力,比如 LOOP.

这种新常态提醒我,从我还是个在妈妈的花园里玩虫子的小女孩起,我为什么要追求个人和职业上的零浪费. 通过分享这些做法,我希望我可以鼓励其他人也尝试一下. 谁知道呢——也许在隔离之后,一些新的减少和再利用策略会一直伴随着你.

Celeste McMickle is the Director of Client Solutions at TRUE Zero Waste. Read her story and others at livingstandard.org.
